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This project attempts to build a perpetual motion machine.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to ...

It's widely known that colors can affect our moods and perceptions. This is why red signifies danger, and is also why the walls of hospitals and jails are usually painted a light, subdued green. It's ...

Music is an art form that organizes sounds in way that some people like or find interesting. Like any art form, musical quality is a matter of personal taste. Almost any piece of music pleases some pe ...

This project explores edible things you didn’t know you could eat. The goals of this project are: To discover shocking new food sources. To encourage advances in food science.It is an educational cont ...

This project examines the effects of seed storage on plant growth. The goals of this project are: To determine how seed storage conditions affect plant growth. To encourage improvements of current ag ...

Garlic is a member of the onion family, and has been used throughout human history for culinary and medicinal purposes. In this project you will detail the chemical properties of garlic, and create so ...

Bioluminescence describes the enchantingly surreal nature of a living organism that produces light. Many sea creatures possess this quality, but land animals such as fireflies are also known to exhibi ...

Packaging is a major industry in which engineers design containers (and filler) for shipping, protection, storage and use.Packaging is also useful for the transmission of information via labeling.Comm ...

Man-made fuel is any substance that generates heat energy for the purpose of mechanical work. Most fuels produce energy by burning. In this theoretical research project you will study available man-ma ...

Examine the human “blind spot.” The goals of this project are: To do a study of blind spots. To create a demonstration that illustrates and explains blind spots in human perception.It is an educati ...